Don't get FOMO, get FOMO coin.

Yet another ICO is live, get in before it's too late!


Why are we late to the ERC20 token party I hear you ask? We've been planning this ICO (or Inital Coin Offering) since Vitalik Buterin was writing "hello world" websites.


We've been working on FOMO coin (symbol - FOMO) for at least 2 hours. While other ICO creators were making hundreds of millions of dollars we have been copying and pasting code to make a smart contract from Not to mention making this 1 page website!


You can now send ether to 0x1f1fc3a8459219ef935ff14c5edffd0921d478e7 to get your FOMO coins right away. Yep, no waiting period like other ICOs, ain't nobody got time for that.

Based on Ethereum Blockchain

All the cool kids base their new cryptocurrencies on ethereum. FOMO coin has more lines of code than Bancor, which means it's worth even more than their tiny $3,500,000 per line of code. Did we mention blockchain!? Buzzzzzzzword!

Inspired by Bitcoin

FOMO coin has the best of both worlds, it's not just a plain old boring decentralized token based on Ethereum. FOMO is twice as good as Bitcoin, having 42,000,000 FOMO coins (double Bitcoins 21,000,000) and 0 decimal places (who needs those anyway!?) - making them extremely extremely extremely valuable. Right? Right!?

Copy Pasta

We promise FOMO coin isn't a copy paste job like the thousands of other alternative cryptocurrencies that magically appeared within a week or two. Actually, make that a PINKY PROMISE!


You can view our extensive whitepaper here, but make sure you have plenty of time on your hands since it's quite detailed, especially compared to the average ICO. The next step on our whitepaper is to get listed on every exchange in the universe.

How to get involved

By now you've wasted enough time reading about the great features of FOMO coin. You're more than likely close to giving us your private keys by now, so let's get to the important stuff.

The FOMO ICO will end 24 hours after you visit the site (just kidding, that countdown is just to spread FOMO!) or we raise the target of 20,000 ether, because we've worked out through our very complex and thorough calculations that that's exactly how many ether we need to hire a junior developer straight out of college for a weeks work. A total of 20,000,000 FOMO coins will be distributed if we reach the target (costing 0.0001 ether per FOMO coin). If the target is not met, we'll have to pay the junior developer in the remaining FOMO coins from the ICO, oops.

To participate, send ether to 0x1f1fc3a8459219ef935ff14c5edffd0921d478e7 (all good wallets will tell you how much gas to pay, minimum eth should be 0.001 for one FOMO coin) to the address above in order to receive FOMO. This crowdsale is a smart-contract, your FOMO tokens will automatically be linked to the ethereum address you send from. Don't send ether from an exchange, send from a wallet that you fully control - any wallet that supports ERC20 tokens will work with FOMO. But be quick, lots of people are FOMOing lately.

After you've participated in the ICO, simply add a new token in any good wallet (such as myetherwallet):

  • Symbol: FOMO
  • Address: 0x1f1fc3a8459219ef935ff14c5edffd0921d478e7
  • Decimal places: 0

View transactions on etherscan

Join the discussion in our FOMO discord


Okay okay, "we" and "our" has been mentioned a lot so far. There's actually only 1 person behind this once in a lifetime ICO, who would've guessed?


Jamie Farrelly

CFO (Chief FOMO Officer)

Jamie has been developing software for years, with 23 years blockchain experience. Actually, that's just his age.


We want you!

CIO (Chief Investment Officer)

Without people to sell ponzi coins FOMO coins to, nobody would make any money in ICO land. Buy in at the ICO, sell after ICO (since FOMO is an ERC20 token, it should be easy to get it on exchanges fairly soon). Simples.

Fun Facts

2 Hours spent
156 Lines of code
95227 Buzzwords used
1337 Millionaires FOMO coin will make